Our Pick Up Line : Here's one way to trick your brain into discipline, stick to a thing for 21 days, it becomes a habit!

Roopa Pai is a trend setter in writing books which will fill a vacuum in the society. Her books on Gita, Vedas and Upanishads for children are in this line. She has hit the bull’s eye of the need for soft skills among Indian youth and contributed her mite by writing this book for the teenagers but there is a great need for this for all the youth.

She has identified a vast number of skills required from her point of view and written an entertaining book in her light hearted ‘talking to my friends’ style. The first section on personality development is very important to build the character of children from the roots. The skills on listening and the techniques are well explained.

The skills on national anthem, Tiranga , currency and Constitution are thoughtful and vital to every young person. The skills on hobby, handicrafts and entrepreneurship will help to live a life rich and well. First aid skills and animal patronage will help provide noble services in need. She has highlighted the skills needed to be an effective citizen and change-maker living in a democracy.

All said and done, Roopa Pai has once again proved her socially conscious choice of subject for the book and has done a commendable job of it. And now parents and youth have to prove they are sensitive enough to profit from the book. It is perfect material to be made an essential part of the curriculum in the high schools. Of what significance is a skyscraper if it is colourful and dazzling but the foundation is weak and shaky !

Ahaaa Moment!!! : Much distress results when boys come to manhood without any skills, with which to earn a living or spend their spare time interesting!

Strawberry Krishna Rating – 4.5/5